Local Information

Driving direction

Gordon Center for Integrative Science
929 E 57th Street
Chicago, IL 60637

For official University of Chicago maps and directions, pleaseĀ click here.

Below is a detail of a campus map, showing the locations of the buildings related to the Gordon Center for Integrative Science:

Campus Map ...

You may click a building abbreviation below to see an enlargement of this map on the University of Chicago webpage.

1. ERC William Eckhardt Research Center
2. KPTC Kersten Physics Teaching Center
2a. GCIS Gordon Center for Integrative Science
3. SCL Searle Chemical Laboratory
4. HGS Henry Hinds Laboratory for Geophysical Sciences
5. GHJ George Herbert Jones Laboratory
6. KCL Kent Chemical Laboratory
7. Ry Ryerson Physical Laboratory
8. E Eckhart Hall
9. CLSC Cummings Life Science Center
10. Q Quadrangle Club

Lodging information

Quadrangle Club (please contact Cheng Chin)

Hyatt Place Chicago-South/University

La Quinta Inn & Suites

Chicago Lake Shore Hotel